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Your ace in the hole Mar 31, 2022

Never try to predict what your Tenants will do.

You’ll always be wrong.

Yes, some things are their fault.

Other times, not so much.

While you can’t guess the future, you can protect against it.

Do this in your lease (or use ours).

Make your Tenant’s carry...

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Magic words you should know Mar 25, 2022

Wanna learn some magic?

It won’t impress your friends.

But it will save you from suing a stranger in your home.

It’s two words.

Sprinkle them on eviction notices and lawsuits.

Here’s why…

Folks must be listed by name to get evicted.

Let’s say Tim Tenant moves...

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Write this down Mar 15, 2022

Raise your right hand.

Do you swear to tell the truth?

The whole truth?

And nothing but the truth?

* wipes sweat off forehead *

Have you ever testified in court?

If so, you know a Judge will ask this before you take the stand (as if it matters).

If everyone tells the truth, how can their stories...

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Don’t be a creeper Mar 03, 2022

Someone's watching.

It happens to be you.

Thanks to technology, you can keep tabs on the rental house.

Anytime.  Anywhere.

How so?

Two words: security cameras.

It's like having a full-time bodyguard (minus the tattoos) watch over things.

But be smart about where you place them.


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Isn't that your house? Feb 27, 2022

Times are tough.

And most think it's getting tougher.

When a dollar ain't worth a dime, folks get creative (or desperate).

Some Tenants turn to Airbnb/VRBO to help pay the rent.

It's simple.

A Tenant rents your home to weary travelers.

Don't worry, it's only for the night.

Seems innocent...

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Dirty money from Uncle Sam Feb 17, 2022

Dirty money.

It's real.

You may even have some of your own (cocaine shows up on 80% of dollar bills!).

It's creepy, but whatever.

Money is money.

Who cares if your Tenant hands over a wad of cash that spent the last summer on a yacht in Miami.

You don't question where the rent comes from.


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Next time, negotiate this Feb 11, 2022

You bought a new rental home.

It's in a great location.

It cash flows.

And the bathroom shiplap will be a hit with moneybag trendy Tenants.

There's only one problem.

A Tenant came with the house.

And the Seller's lease sucks.

He spent hours on Google before throwing in a few terms of his own. And...

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Lawyers doing math Feb 03, 2022

You want to evict a Tenant.

He's got a month-to-month lease.

Rent's paid. And he hasn't broken the rules.

* nice fella, but it's time to go (don't ask me why)*

You served a 30-Day Notice. The clock is ticking.

T-minus 30 days, right?

It depends.

A 30-Day Notice ends the tenancy on the last day of...

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Watch your mouth Jan 27, 2022

Your phone rings.

It's an unknown number.

Thinking it's a scam, you send it to voicemail.

Crap - a voicemail.

It's another Landlord wanting the inside scoop on your former Tenant.

Should they rent to this Tenant?

Did they damage the property?

Blah, blah, blah.

Wanting to help, you call the ol'...

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Your kids are crazy Jan 21, 2022

Fair housing.

It's not sexy, but important.

You try not to discriminate in your rental business (if so, better lawyer up).

But fair housing rules aren't always clear.

Take kids, for example.

You're fine with *good* kids.

But you don't want a pack of little mustangs running wild and free...

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When you can't charge pet fees Jan 14, 2022

Not all animals are pets.

And if it's not a pet, then "pet fees" don't apply.

You already *should* know that denying housing based on a disability is illegal.

And when the disability requires an animal, the rules change.

Service and emotional support animals (ESA) are not pets.

So you can't...

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Holy smokes Jan 08, 2022

It's obvious.

Smoke alarms save lives.

Carbon dioxide detectors, too.

But did you know it's a crime if you don't install these at your rental property?

That's right.  Johnny Law can take you down.

Even if your place didn't burn to the ground. 

All because alarms and detectors...

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