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Before you send that text Jun 22, 2023

So, you want to text your Tenants.

It's fast, easy and creates a paper trail if you ever need to sue them.

You text things like:

  • rent is late
  • the plumber will check the leak
  • that Chevy on blocks in the front yard needs a new home

Before you go sliding into your Tenant's DMs, make...

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A slick little eviction trick Jun 14, 2023

Ever try to serve an eviction notice?

It can be hard. Especially if your Tenant's doing the moon walk outta town.

You gotta stick that notice somewhere.

But playin' ding-dong-ditch with legal papers won't cut it.

And getting a Tenant to answer the door when they owe you money...

Well, you'd have...

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Bigfoot wants this in your lease Jun 08, 2023

Picture this:

Your Tenant flies the coop faster than a squirrel on an espresso binge.

And you have no clue why.

All you found was a handwritten notes, 'Gone to Narnia. Toodles!'

To your surprise, he left the place pretty clean.  Well, kinda.

You're keeping some of the security deposit....

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Who let the dogs out (on your new carpet)? May 31, 2023

You know this:

Service and emotional support animals aren't - ahem - pets.

So you can't deny a Tenant that has one, no matter how much your curtains fear for their safety.

Truth is, they can damage your property.

Your mother-in-law ain't got nothin' on an emotional support parrot!



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Happy birthday, sign this May 25, 2023

You know the Tenant's kid from the Pine Street house?

The one who practices drumming at all hours of the night.

Yep, that's right - our very own Ringo Starr.

Well, guess what?

He turned 18!

We know what you're thinking:

'Ya, so what? He's still a brat!  Why should I give two hoots about his...

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Some juicy landlord-tenant gossip May 17, 2023

We got a bone to pick with this idiot.

A guy wanted to rent from a legal plan member.

But found the idea of this rental application insulting.

And even claimed that requiring two months' rent plus a security deposit was illegal.

Can you believe it? The nerve!

That's like saying...

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This myth won't die May 15, 2023

It's 2:00 AM when your Tenant calls.

Thinking he's drunk, you hit ignore.

Then he follows up with this text:

"Yo, my toilet erupted like Old Faithful - HELP!!"

Uh-oh spaghetti-o... 

He kills the water main and it stops.

Somehow, there's no damage.

Until you get the plumber's invoice.


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We don't have hard data on this Apr 30, 2023

"It can't be that easy," said a Legal Plan Member.

"I serve the eviction notice, then sit back and relax?"

You got it, bud!

It's kinda hard to believe, you know...

Given Illinois' love affair with Tenants.

But it's true.

If you serve the right eviction notice, your work is pretty...

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Well this is awkward... Apr 20, 2023

Knock, knock.

Who's there?

Better not be you (at least without notice)!

Picture this:

Rent is overdue. And the Tenant won't return your text.

So you waltz over to the property - unannounced.

No one answers.  So you crack the front door and peek inside.

Sure enough, your Tenant is watching...

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He didn't say NOT to share this Apr 08, 2023

It didn't sink in right away.

Until we spoke with this new Legal Plan Member.

They knew our lease is the best in the business.

But missed that we can't draft around everything...

You know, things like the implied warranty of habitability.

* quickly Google searches...

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Can't fix stupid Mar 29, 2023

So, uh...

Someone was mad at a Legal Plan Member.

The problem?

They were charging a non-refundable rental application fee.

And the *wannabe* Tenant SAID it was illegal.

So our member wanted to know:

Is this dude off his rocker?!?

Yep, he's wrong.

Non-refundable applic...

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Wanna sue your real estate broker? Mar 09, 2023

This real estate broker should count his blessings.

He almost screwed up - big time.

His client bought a rental house.

And the security deposit transferred to the buyer at closing.

But the client didn't know this little law.

We'll spare you the legal mumbo jumbo and just say...

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