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Well this is awkward...

Apr 20, 2023

Knock, knock.

Who's there?

Better not be you (at least without notice)!

Picture this:

Rent is overdue. And the Tenant won't return your text.

So you waltz over to the property - unannounced.

No one answers.  So you crack the front door and peek inside.

Sure enough, your Tenant is watching The Notebook in their skivvies.

There are some things you can't unsee...

Not only did you make a memory that will haunt you forever, you also broke the law.

Even if you only skim The Brief during bathroom breaks, you know reasonable notice is required before entering a rental house.

And that you can serve a Notice of Entry by text, email, or carrier pigeon.

Ok, kidding about the last one...

Make sure you serve the Notice of Entry in writing.

And give the Tenant a heads up your coming.

You'll thank us later.

By Landlord Legal

That's issue #63 of The Brief.

How you serve legal notices matter.  You can serve a Notice of Entry in *almost* any written way. But your Eviction Notices must follow these rules.