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Have we met? Dec 27, 2021

Good friends are hard to find.

And when you do, rooming together makes sense.  Sometimes.

Your Tenant wants to give it a shot.

She called to let you know her *new* BFF moves in this weekend.

Catch that?!?  She didn't ask you.  She told you.


Can your Tenant move someone in...

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Are you sending this security deposit notice? Dec 13, 2021

Chasing money is bad business.

That's why smart Landlords collect security deposits.

It's the best way to get paid when a Tenant damages the property.

Well, unless it's "reasonable wear and tear" - whatever that means.

But if you keep the security deposit, you must send this notice.

And no...

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Let's make a deal Dec 05, 2021

More money.  Less stress.

It's the best of both worlds.

As you Google brainstorm how Landlords can do this, don't forget:

Trading rent for labor is a bad idea.

It sounds like a win-win.

The Tenant takes *some* stress off your plate.

You discount the rent.

So what's the...

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Knock knock Nov 26, 2021

It's your house.

But it's rented to strangers who now call the shots.  Kinda.

So before stopping by to check on the place, better let them know you're coming.

And no, texting while on the way won't work.

You must give "reasonable notice of entry" before going in.

What's reasonable?


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We're no longer friends Nov 18, 2021

Ring ring.

It's your Tenant.

He's mad (again) at his roommate.

And called to let you know he's moving out this weekend.

Wait, what?

He's three months into a year lease.  

But now wants out because his roomie - you know, the one he picked - is a jerk.

Can he walk just...

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Cart before the horse Nov 13, 2021

Evictions aren't fun.

But get this out of order and you'll make a bad deal worse.

Before evicting a Tenant, you must "terminate the tenancy" (pardon the legal jargon). 

You do this with one of these forms:

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Get paid next Monday Nov 03, 2021

No surprise.

Illinois spends money faster than toilet paper at a bad taco joint.

It paid over a half-billion dollars to Tenants behind on rent in 2021.

And it's not over yet.

Another round of rental help starts next week.

Applications open Monday, November 8, 2021.

Illinois ran out of money for...

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Cops, lawyers and cocky Landlords Oct 28, 2021

Rumor has it some Landlords take this approach:

"I don't deal with cops.  I don't deal with lawyers.  If a Tenant doesn't pay rent, the locks get changed."

Hold on there, Ace.  It ain't that easy.

You don't need a fancy law degree to know this...

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This feels wrong Oct 21, 2021

Sometimes things work out.

Tenants pay rent. Nothing breaks.  And they don't bother you.

Other times.  Not so much.

Want to bounce a Tenant (even if they've done nothing "wrong")?

If you're on a month-to-month lease, you can.  And you don't even need a reason.

That's right. ...

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Take the money and run Oct 12, 2021

Does this ever happen to you?

You know what's good for you, but don't do it.

We're all guilty of it. Even (especially) Tenants.

Uncle Sam is still handing out money like it's 2020, specifically for Tenants behind on rent.

It's "free" money for Tenants.  And should be a ...

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It's about time Oct 04, 2021

You can evict Tenants again.

That's right.  The Illinois eviction ban is over.

Even though the U.S. Supreme Court torched the national ban weeks ago, Illinois held on until October 3rd. 

For well over a year, Illinois has shown its love affair with Tenants.  While Landlords fended...

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U.S. Supreme Court strikes down CDC eviction ban Aug 30, 2021

Should we call this a win?

The United States Supreme Court threw out the national eviction ban created by the CDC.

What does this mean for Illinois landlords?  Unfortunately, not much.  At least not yet.

The Illinois eviction ban remains in effect until September 18th.  

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