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When you can change locks Jul 25, 2024

Have we not learned our lesson yet...

You're itching to kick out that deadbeat tenant.

They're three months behind on rent.

And their "emotional support" alligator is wreaking havoc on the joint.

There you are.

Bolt cutters ready.

New locks in hand.

"We Will Rock You" queued upon on Spotify....

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Wild truth about terminating this tenant Jul 11, 2024

You hear a lot when you're a landlord.

Tenants who call the raccoons in the attic pets.

The whole "check's in the mail" deal.

And don't forget the guy who paints the living room hot pink because he's "going through a phase."

Here's one you might not know:

You don't need a reason to cancel a...

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How to get sued for charging a pet fee Jul 05, 2024

You know that Instagram-famous bulldog your tenant has?

The one with more followers than you?

Cute, right?

Now, what if your tenant hands you a note claiming that little star is an emotional support animal?

Before you go flipping through your lease, know this:

Emotional support animals and...

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Better think twice before trying using trick Jun 27, 2024

Ever heard of a legal facepalm?

It's when you do something dumb.

So silly that even your mom would text you an eye-roll emoji. 

And it's even worse when the right move was just a playbook away.

Yet here you are.

Floating illegal lease terms like they're harmless party balloons.


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One mistake you should never make Jun 20, 2024

Here's a wild story:

A Tenant moves in.

They seem nice.

Pay on time.

Everything's peachy.

Then one day, you swing by and a stranger greets you at the door.

"Uh, you are??"

"Oh, I live here — renting a room from a buddy."

Turns out, your Tenant thought it'd be a swell idea to play landlord....

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Never skip this step with new Tenants Jun 13, 2024

You've got a new Tenant.

But they didn't come through the front door.

Not with your permission, anyway.

One day, they're just "visiting."

The next, they're setting up shop in your rental like it's a long-term Airbnb.

Mystery car in the driveway?

Uh-oh. Who dis?

Turns out, this guy was your...

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Say goodbye to this crazy form Jun 06, 2024

It's about time.

Remember that COVID Rental Assistance form?

You know, the one you had to give tenants during evictions?

Even after folks swapped their masks for Applebee's happy hour, you still had to use the form.

Well, you can finally toss it in the trash.

It's rare that Illinois...

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A law change we missed 👀 May 30, 2024

Alert the press.

The security deposit rules changed.

And it's doesn't hurt just the big guys anymore.

Before January 1, 2024, the Security Deposit Return Act only applied to landlords with 5 or more units.

Small fries like you?

You got a free pass.

Not anymore.

Now, before you...

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Don't miss this security deposit deadline May 22, 2024

You hit the landlord jackpot.

Your tenant moved out.

No damage.

The place is clean.

And there's no science experiments in the fridge.

Now, the tenant wants their security deposit back.

By law, they can get it.

Trying to keep their money means they'll get more of yours.

Good luck even...

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A dork move from a smart Landlord May 15, 2024

Real sad story here:

A Landlord wanted a Tenant gone.

He heard about 5, 10, & 30 day eviction notices.

And he used the 5 Day Notice (because he wanted the Tenant out, fast).

If it were only that easy! 

He used the wrong notice, for the wrong reason.

And the Judge made him start...

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But are you really sure it's still legal? May 09, 2024

Everyone asks us for legal tips.

Here's a good one:

Use e-signatures on your lease.

It's fast, easy, and legally enforceable.

Which was news to one Tenant...

They said, "I didn't sign, so it's not legal."

And boy were they miffed about a digital signature!

We have an angry Tenant on line...

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This doesn't count for a security deposit May 02, 2024

Our latest conspiracy theory:

Tenant's will do anything to dodge paying with cash.

Here's one:

A Tenant offers to swap sweat for the security deposit.

They'll paint walls.

Fix the squeaky door.

Even turn your jungle of a garden into a Zen retreat.

Sounds tempting, right?

You're thinking,...

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