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Don't do this (pretty please)

Jan 05, 2023

Here's a fast way to get into trouble:

Take legal advice from DIY Landlords.

Like this guy...

A Landlord asked a DIY forum about separate bank accounts.

One for each rental house.

Here's a response:

"Yes, do it!  If you get sued, they can only take money from that home's bank account." 

We wanted to publicly scorn the fool who said this.

But knew our moms wouldn't approve.

So we decided to set the record straight for ya here on The Brief (and call it square).

You don't need separate bank accounts if the homes are owned by the same person. 

It ya get sued, they're coming for all your money.

No matter where you hide it.

Good news:

You can limit liability (we'll show you how).

But separate bank accounts ain't *always* one.

By: Landlord Legal

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