Get smarter about the legal stuff

Each week, we send a 30-second email to Illinois Landlords with the latest legal stuff.

Think 3rd grade words. And hot takes from your lawyer friend (two whiskeys deep).

New laws, legal tips, and more - for FREE.

Get smarter about the legal stuff

Each week, we send a 30-second email to Illinois Landlords with the latest legal stuff.

Think 3rd grade words. And hot takes from your lawyer friend (two whiskeys deep).

New laws, legal tips, and more - for FREE.

Lawyers say we're nuts.
Landlords love us.

Lawyers say we're nuts.  Landlords love us.

Actionable tips

Every email is actionable and practical to Illinois Landlords. Easy to read and immediately apply to my rental business. A must read for Illinois Landlords. - Shelli M.

Super helpful

"Learn something every time (and always with a laugh)!  So crazy that it applies to real life Landlord crap.  Tons of value for packed in a free email." - Travis T.

Made me money

I heard Illinois was paying Landlords during COVID.  I applied and received $16,000 in past due rent!  Heard it first on The Brief! - Lisa S.

Latest from
The Brief

Latest from The Brief

When you can change locks

Jul 25, 2024

Wild truth about terminating this tenant

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How to get sued for charging a pet fee

Jul 05, 2024

Better think twice before trying using trick

Jun 27, 2024


(You can always unsubcribe.)